
NDS Digital Solutions


NDS Digital Solutions Co., Ltd. Specializes in the sales and repair of ATM spare parts. Founded in 2019 in Vietnam, NDS supplies new original, generic, and refurbished modules, as well as whole ATMs. Our well-trained, experienced hardware maintenance engineers specialize in repairing PCBs and modules. We have developed a good relationship with major ATM brands and gained a good reputation in the industry.


Why did you choose NDS?

More than 05 years of Industry Experience.

We take pride in being able to help our customers lower the cost of their ATMs throughout their entire lifecycle - from purchasing, installing, maintaining, and operating, to repair, engineer training, removal, storage, and end-of-life decommissioning.

As an independent provider, we are able to provide managed ATM services for NCR, Wincor, and Diebold ATMs without bias and without the need to compromise on quality.

Professional Trained Engineers, Strict quality control, and management ensure our products meet customer's requirements.

We are providing ATM Solutions to customers

Our Company Co., Ltd. supplies parts per customers’ specifications. While offering our customers high-quality products with competitive prices and ensuring ATMs operate at high efficiency, we strive to pass savings onto our customers and keep their maintenance costs at a minimum.


Our Services

Diebold, Wincor Nixdorf, NCR, NMD, Hitachi, OKI ATM parts selling.

New, original, refurbished, and used ATM equipment parts.

Repairing and refurbishing service.

ATM upgrading solution.

Technical consultation and training.


Trade Capacity

We fully understand the importance of product quality in the fierce competition. Over the years, we have viewed product quality and company reputation as the key elements when dealing with customers. In return, our suppliers and customers have gained tremendous trust, support, and reputation. We will maintain our principles and provide our customers with more products and better services for the years to come.

In bài viết

NDS Digital Solutions

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